Hi, I haven't updated in a while as I have been very busy, however I have been working very hard on my EPQ project. Previously in my EPQ project I had been doing some research on the history of photography, looking at how it has developed through different ideas from a vast range of people. But as my project deadline is getting nearer, I have decided to do an 'essay' in which I will pick the most important points in the history. I will go into detail of those points.
I have decided to do this because it will help me to understand the history more and therefore help me to come up with ideas to achieve the aim of my project-which is to take a series of photos that capture the history of photography.
I have finished around half of my essay and will hopefully finish the rest before the end of the holiday. This will give me about a month and a half to plan my photos and take them.
Although, I have not finished my essay, I have given some thought as to what the photos could highlight. There are two different ways I could go with the photos. I could either take one picture for each point in the history, e.g. Camera Obscura, Daguerreotype, or I could sum up what the history was like in my point of view and do a range of photos showing that. I have not yet decided which way I will go but I will post when I do, along with some of my ideas for the photos.
Please leave any comments. Will update soon.